Save time & money
Save time spent on manually processing payroll and save money with free salary payment
Enhanced Security
You can trust that your payroll data is secured with bank grade security and end-to-end encryption
Dedicated Support
Get a dedicated customer support team to handle all of your payroll concerns and inquiries

Fully Integrated
All in one payroll software, from automated computations, issuance of payslips, payment of salary and statutory bills

Your employee get their own portal to track their salaries, social security contributions and taxes

Stay Compliant
Get insights into your payroll trends with out comprehensive dashboard and reports

Easy Access to Payslips
Save time from letting your staff have access to their payslips anytime

Comprehensive Reports
Avoid penalties due to incorrect computations and payment delays with our instant payment solution and accurate computations

Payment on Time
Have no salary delays with our instant payment for free
Simple pricing for your business. Get seamless access to the most comprehensive payroll solution in Africa.
+232 73 550 000 (Sierra Leone only)
+254 740 062 164 (Kenya only)
+234 906 084 9345 (Nigeria only)
Other Built Solutions
Built is not a bank. Built virtual cards and accounts are issued in partnership with licensed banks and mobile money operators.